Horse Training Videos

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Principles Of Barrel Racing

Futurity barrel horse trainer Caroline Boucher coaches horses through their first years of training and competition. This series shows you horses from their very first time on the pattern to horses that are actively competing. Caroline believes in the importance of developing a strong feel and solid basics. She focuses on becoming a team with every horse, preserving their natural style, having them work by themselves around the barrels and keeping them happy. Her goal is to train horses that other people can ride after her and have long careers. She loves to share her knowledge with others. 

About the Trainer

Caroline Boucher

Native from Quebec, Canada, Caroline started her journey in English riding, where she developed her feel of the horse and learned fundamentals. At 11 years old, she discovered barrel racing and then was hooked on the discipline. Until 2014, she had a full-time job and was training her own horses, coaching and giving clinics on the side. In Canada, she won and placed at multiple futurities, derbies and rodeos aboard horses that she mostly trained herself. In 2015, her and her husband Olivier bought their ranch in Canada and offered boarding, training and coaching and, she started to compete in the USA in 2016. In 2023, Caroline and Oliver sold their ranch in Canada and moved permanently to Texas. Some of her biggest career accomplishments are: - 2019 Kinder Cup futurity slot race winner (or long go winner) - 2019 Isabella Quarter Horses futurity slot race reserve champion (Edna) - 2019 Lance Graves futurity reserve champion - 2020 Southern Rebel futurity reserve champion - 2020 Pink Buckle futurity champion - 2022 OKC Futurity slot race champion - 2023 Old Fort Days futurity champion - 2023 BFA Futurity finals long go winner

Latest Episodes

Emily works a 3 year old Eddie Stinson that tends to be stronger in the face and a little bit antsy. She works the horse on a single barrel to help get her focused and paying attention to what Emily is asking around the barrels without having to be on the pattern.
Emily has been working horses in a smaller pen and has noticed some of the younger horses are starting to get short going into the turns. She works on a drill to keep Lucy going past the barrel and stay consistent in her gaits on the pattern.
Emily continues her work with a young horse and uses the hip control she taught in her dry work to help Ivanka on the pattern.
Emily works Ice, a 3 year old Epic Leader gelding that was started on the pattern in the spring. They have been stepping up and going to exhibitions. He has started to have a weight transfer causing him to slow down in the front end going into the turn instead of staying on his hind end. She says this can feel choppy and can create a horse that is front endy or cheaty.
FILTER BY: 102 | Barney | Bunny | Celina | Dreamer | Ice | Ivanka | Lucy | Maggie | PYC PaintYourWagon Mare | Pop Rocks | Rocket | Sig | Sly | ALL
Emily uses Ice, a four year old by Epic Leader, to demonstrate the vertical barrel drill. The goal of this drill is to help a horse rate while approaching the barrel, stay engaged throughout the turn, and leave from the barrel straight. Emily explains that this drill is also good for helping a rider stay square while riding through the pattern.
Emily takes Bunny through her diamond barrel exercise. Her goal with this drill is to work it all rights and all lefts to really focus on Bunny's form and hitting all four points correctly around the barrel.
Emily works through the four steps of the roll back on a large young horse. She then explains how size can effect the movement and agility of a horse, so it is important to keep that in mind during training. Emily then goes on to work the barrel pattern and talks about how the size of the turn needs to be adjusted to the capabilities and size of the horse.
Emily talks about how she works with a more high strung off the track horse. She works through the mare's sensitivities by staying soft and consistent and by working through different exercises to keep the horse's mind and feet moving to make her more balanced and broke.
Emily uses Willow, a six year old mare by Fast Prize Jordan, to demonstrate how she goes about working with a horse who has a tendency to be fussy with its head and lean into the first barrel.
Prior to working on the barrel pattern, Emily works Barney, a three year old by HP Dash Ta Fiesta, through the basics of softness, body control and shape, and line control. She then takes Barney through the pattern for the second time with a focus on staying correct and shaped around each barrel.
Emily brings back three year old futurity prospect Maggie after some time off. Her goal for this ride is keep Maggie driving forward and moving up and around through her turns.
Emily advances three year old Dreamer's barrel pattern by adding speed. By adding speed, Emily will be able to see and work through any areas that need improvement.
Emily demonstrates the technique she uses to go about teaching a horse, who has a tendency to elevate and climb out of the turn, to stay down and reaching forward through the turn.
Emily talks through different techniques and warmup exercises she uses to prepare a young, green horse to work the pattern.
Emily talks about the four elements of consistent foot work and body form that she focuses on for a horse with 30 days of barrel pattern training; elevation, engagement, a soft rib, and momentum.
Emily works to progress Ice's consistency and strength around the pattern. Emily's focus for this ride is to work on softness and driving Ice forward into the bridle to engage his hind end and elevate his front end.
Emily continues her ride on Ice by building confidence and schooling the pattern. She explains how, after 60 days of pattern training, the horse knows the pattern and job, yet it is important she stay consistent with her cues and training in order to keep him from being heavy in the front end.
Emily uses Sly, a three year old filly by Sly by Design, to demonstrate a warmup exercise that focuses on rate. She explains how this exercise translates over to the barrel pattern and is important for advancing a horse's speed.
After practicing rate through a good warmup exercise, Emily continues her ride on Sly by working the pattern. Emily explains the importance of getting a horse deep enough around the barrels in order to keep momentum and make a strong turn while continuing to rate and stay in good form.
Emily works to advance Barney's barrel pattern by adding speed. Being a horse that tends to be a little fractious, Emily explains different techniques she uses on the pattern to keep Barney confident, focused, in form, and soft while introducing something new.
Emily prepares Maggie, a three year old mare, who is exhibitioning and getting close to clocking. She demonstrates a drill to get her feet moving and prepare to go clock later in the week.
Bunny wants to elevate around the second barrel, so Emily addresses how she gets stiff part way through her turn.
Ashley works on holding Ice's hind end under him. He occasionally crossfires and loses his hind end.
Corona Cartel horses tend to be a little hot and fragile minded and this 5 year old mare is no exception. Emily shares how she helps a horse with this mindset to relax.
This three year old has started to get choppy and sling his butt out when going around the barrel. Emily demonstrate where he's at and what she likes to work on to fix these issues.
Sig is a three year old by Sixes Liaison. He's very talented and very fast, but as Emily has been asking for more speed, he's started to disengage his hind end.
Pop Rocks has a little sticky spot in his left turns where he gets stiff and pulls out. Emily works on getting him soft through his rib cage as she adds speed and pressure.
Emily works a 5 year old Corona Cartel mare that is just getting started and has just over 30 days on the pattern. She has struggled with stepping her up because the mare gets worried and panics when asked to get quicker and sharper and as Emily works to get one handed. Emily helps keep the mare calm and relaxed as she continues the training.
Emily works Ice, a 3 year old Epic Leader gelding that was started on the pattern in the spring. They have been stepping up and going to exhibitions. He has started to have a weight transfer causing him to slow down in the front end going into the turn instead of staying on his hind end. She says this can feel choppy and can create a horse that is front endy or cheaty.
Emily continues her work with a young horse and uses the hip control she taught in her dry work to help Ivanka on the pattern.
Emily has been working horses in a smaller pen and has noticed some of the younger horses are starting to get short going into the turns. She works on a drill to keep Lucy going past the barrel and stay consistent in her gaits on the pattern.
Emily works a 3 year old Eddie Stinson that tends to be stronger in the face and a little bit antsy. She works the horse on a single barrel to help get her focused and paying attention to what Emily is asking around the barrels without having to be on the pattern.

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