Give Me the Time, So I Can Take the Time
by worldwind performance horses - published 1/13/2022
Archie and Chrissy train two year olds through show aged horses in reining, cowhorse and versatility ranch horse
It’s colt starting season. Time for those 2 year olds to head off to school. Yes, even the April, May or June born ones. Everyone is excited, but of course there’s always a few “Negative Nellies” out there. “What about their knees?! You’ll cripple them! What about the horse? You’re just in it for the money. Oh, the humanity!”
Many people have never had any exposure to a quality two year old program, or a quality training program of any kind, really. But that’s a whole different subject for another day. The thing about Futurity prospects is that the finish line is in the same place for everyone. All the futurities, for all the western events, happen in about October through December. It doesn’t matter when your horse was born, they have to be ready for that event at the same time everyone else is.
If you keep your June baby home until May or June when they “actually” turn two, you handicap your horse and set them up for failure. Those 4, 5 or 6 months you left them out in the pasture to “grow up” or to “let them be a horse” actually work against them. Chances are, they have to fight for a spot on the round bale or won’t get as much feed as they need because they get run off the feeder. They don’t get the exercise they need to develop muscles, strengthen tendons, or build bone the way a performance horse needs. They arrive at my barn 4 or 5 or 6 months behind. You force me to push that horse to catch up. You force me to put that horse into a schedule they aren’t ready for.
Give me time, so I can take the time.
Get that two year old to us now. Maybe it’s small, maybe it’s not ready to be rode.
Trust and talk with your trainer.
There is so much we can do for those ones that may need to wait a bit before we ride them. We can get them on a performance feed program. We can work them on the ground. We can get them in shape. We can teach them things on the ground now that translate directly to under saddle work later. When we have the time, we can ease them into the job. We can give them a day off if they need it. We can give them a few lighter work days if they need it. When you bring them to us already behind, we can’t do that. If you’ve got a prospect you are excited about, find a trainer you trust, then give them the time to give your horse the best chance they have at being the champion you dream of.

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