Daily training tip from Dust Whitford starting a horse with a lot of feel on cows and teaching the colt he can move the cow […]
Watch Tip of the Day – #104

Daily training tip from Dust Whitford starting a horse with a lot of feel on cows and teaching the colt he can move the cow […]
Daily training tip from Dust Whitford talking about why and how he ground drives a colt before the first ride […]
Daily training tip from Cody Patterson wokring a green two rein horse on a cow and getting it to stay with the cow […]
Daily training tip from Dust Whitford working a three year old gelding out of the herd and talking about where he is in cutting training […]
Daily training tip from Robert Rivers on how he would use the hackamore part of a two rein bridle set up as training progresses […]
Daily training tip from Emily Necaise on the importance of using your legs and making sure your horse knows the difference between cues […]
Daily horse training tip from Dusty Whitford showing how he ties a horse for the first time and how it keeps the horse safe […]
Daily horse training tip from NRHA professional Emily Sgarrella working on building confidence in a horse during the run down […]
Daily horse training tip from Dusty Whitford working on getting a horse comfortable with something in the cinch area […]
Daily horse training tip from Robert Rivers on the importance of developing a horse over time rather than making them do it in one day […]